about the Märklin Decoders 60901 and 60902
Railway |
Meanwhile there is
some information about the new Märklin Decoder 60901 (with motor)
and 60902 (without motor) in the Internet. At this page I want to collect,
what information meanwhile arrived me. This information still is not complete,
whoever knows something new, is invited to contribute to a completion.
I might remind however, that I have examined this information to best knowledge
and consciences. I cannot rule out however, that there may be mistakes
existing in the sources of my information, or I may have added additional
mistakes. Therefore I don't accept any liability for damages, that originate
out of the utilization of this information.
1. Base technology
The Decoders 60901
and 60902 are a complete new design and based on a new chip, 701.22B. In
this chip more functions are available than in the old ones (701.13 or
701.17). The differences are:
built in transistors for motor-control and
the journey-direction-dependent function F0
over-current and short-protection for the
functions 1...4
switch on or off of the acceleration and braking
delay with F4
switching of the pickup shoes according to
This chip is designed
for the new (Märklin/Motorola) digital-format, however it also still
"understands" the old (Motorola) format, if the additional functions of
F1 until F4 are ignored. Both digital-formats are described by A.Scorzoni,
the old format also in the German Märklin books
Modelleisenbahn digital gesteuert (0306)
Einstieg in Märklin Digital - die Mehrzugsteuerung
2. Possibilities and connection of the
In the usual version
of the Decoders the functions F0, F1 and F2 are completely implemented.
For the utilization of function 3, 3 more parts need to be added, and function
4 is normally used for the internal control of the acceleration and braking.
You can also utilize the F4 as an output with addition of some components,
however the switching off of the acceleration and braking delay is then
no longer possible.
When operating with
the conventional transformer (AC), in contrast to the C90 the function
F0 (journey-direction-dependent) and F1 are continually on. The functions
F2, F3 and F4 are continually off.
The normal connection
information was at the beginning not general available, therefore a sketching:
The maximum ratings
of the exits is here also shown:
Motor output
max. 800 mA
Function output
max. 200 mA
(all 3 together
however no more than 400 mA total)
Complete component
max. 1100 mA
3. The Circuit
The details of the
Decoder-board are shown in both following pictures:
The blue coloured
components are not included in the standard decoder. Further details are
discussed underneath in the section “expansions”.
The same is valid
for the now following circuit:
The values of the
components are:
R1 |
C1 |
R2 |
C2 |
R3 |
C3 |
R4 |
C4 |
R5 |
D1 |
R6 |
D2 |
R7 |
D3 |
R8 |
D4 |
R9 |
D5 |
R10 |
T1 |
i.e. BST 51
R11 |
T2 |
i.e. BST 51
R12 |
T3 |
i.e. BST 51
R13 |
T4 |
i.e. BST 51
P1 |
P2 |
4. Expansions and options
The functions F3
and F4 can be added. For activation of the function F3, the components
R7, R11 and T3 are added and the brown/yellow wire at the corresponding
solder pad at the edge of the board. For the function F4 a little more
is required. The components R8, R12 and R13 and the Darlington transistor
T4 are added. Further, the solder pads at S4 must be bridged. This disables
the internal function "Rangiergang (shunting) at F4" and makes F4 available
externally. A corresponding brown/white wire is soldered to the output
solder pad on the board.
Whoever wants the
telex-function that the delta Decoder 66031 has, can do this by adding
the same components as for F4, but bridge S3 instead of S4. Thereby this
additional function is, same as with the Delta-Decoder, also usable in
the conventional AC operation, and the internal function "Rangiergang at
F4" remains. The function becomes then activated through several changes
of direction.
In the end one more
little candy. Viewing closely the circuit will show that the pins 13 and
14 of the 701.22B are not connected to anything. These two pins are used
in the ICE or Cargo Sprinters to facilitate switching
the pickup shoes. At the switching of the journey-direction a short pulse
(about 50 ms) is outputted on the corresponding pin, so one can connect
the two coils of a bistable Relay (protection diodes necessary!) from these
to pin 20 of IC1 (that is, one side of each coil goes to one of pins 13
and 14, the other side of each coil goes to pin 20).
Many thanks to Norman,
who triggered me for this page with his translation
(c) Jürgen Schad
& Norman Champion, 03.10.2002